Perliukų medžioklė

Horizon, Summer 1973

10 €
Prisijunk, kad pamatytum daugiau informacijos arba pateiktum paraišką dėl Perliuko!
Būklė Naudota, puikios būklės
Kalba Anglų
Pridėta vasario 14 d., 11:1125
Prisijunk, kad pamatytum daugiau informacijos arba pateiktum paraišką dėl Perliuko!

Horizon, an esteemed publication in the United States, graced the literary and arts scene from 1958 to 1989. Initially released by American Heritage, this bi-monthly hardback stood out with its subtitle 'A Magazine of the Arts', reflecting its dedication to cultural enrichment and artistic exploration. These series double as not only a coffee table book filled with pages of art and history, but it also acts as a piece of art itself.

If you would like to request additional photos, or have any questions at all, please reach out on instagram -

Issue: Summer 1973

Perliukas patinka (3)

Panašūs Perliukai

1 paraiška Parduota
0.01 €