rogalinda Jälgi Saada kiri Blokeeri Andeles juba 6 aastat ja 6 kuud Võrgus 5. mai 2024, 8:20 0 pärlit
christopher.ody1 22. november 2023, 13:05 Everything was clear from the beginning of the negotiation until the delivery. The sofa I bought is in excellent condition, as the seller said. christopher.ody1 22. november 2023, 13:05 Everything was clear from the beginning of the negotiation until the delivery. The sofa I bought is in excellent condition, as the seller said.
Angel Baby 10. juuni 2021, 5:44 Paldies, viss lieliski un operatīvi! Angel Baby 10. juuni 2021, 5:44 Paldies, viss lieliski un operatīvi!
so_happy 13. november 2019, 18:53 Pardevēja ļoti atsaucīga un pretimnākoša 🌺🌺🌺 so_happy 13. november 2019, 18:53 Pardevēja ļoti atsaucīga un pretimnākoša 🌺🌺🌺
aanneettee 7. oktoober 2019, 21:59 Paldies par slidām!!! Mums ļoti patīk, tagad tikai jāgaisa ziema un ledus! Viss lieliski, lai veicas!!! aanneettee 7. oktoober 2019, 21:59 Paldies par slidām!!! Mums ļoti patīk, tagad tikai jāgaisa ziema un ledus! Viss lieliski, lai veicas!!!